Dashboard Mental Health Monitor

This page provides an overview of the methodology followed, the study population and the results for each theme. Each theme brings a handy overview of the results. The conclusions, specific action points and tips offer inspiration to get started in practice.


The Monitor starts from the vision that mental health is more than the presence or absence of psychological complaints and disorders. The monitor charts both positive and negative indicators of mental health.

Study population

A total of 262,090 students were invited through their institutions to complete the digital questionnaire. 942 email addresses were identified as invalid and/or generated an error message. Exactly 261,872 students received an invitation in their inbox. 47,849 clicked on the link to the questionnaire and 23,301 students completed at least 50% of the questionnaire, with 21,848 completing at least 70% of the questionnaire.

The study population consisted of 21,848 students.

Results per theme

Conclusions and action points

  • There is growth potential for vitality
  • Externalizing/impulse-related problems come more to the forefront
  • Beyond a 'classic' substance and alcohol policy
  • A (too) limited use of care
  • Importance of early intervention and screening: also before the gate of higher education
  • A fairly favorable motivation profile, high study satisfaction, and focus on intrinsic goals
  • Satisfied basic psychological needs and awareness of need fulfillment
  • Universities and colleges are warm and motivating environments
