How much vitality and satisfaction do students feel?

Did you know?

Vitality or life satisfaction is the energy and resilience with which you live your life. Overall life satisfaction refers to how satisfied you are with life. When the three basic psychological needs, the ABC of Psychology, are met, you are more likely to "feel good about yourself. You have more energy, are flexible and resilient, and better realize your growth potential.

Vitality and general satisfaction with life

Students may be cognitively satisfied with their lives, but that does not necessarily mean they are buzzing with energy.


of students report high life satisfaction.


of students experience high vitality.

In terms of life satisfaction, 26% of students experience low satisfaction with their lives. Almost half (47%) of students experience high life satisfaction and 27% moderate satisfaction. The results for vitality correspond partly to these figures. The group of students with low vitality (28%) is the same size as the group who experience low satisfaction with life, but the group of students with high vitality is smaller, at 24%. The largest group (47%) reports moderate vitality. Students may be cognitively satisfied with their lives, but that does not necessarily mean they are buzzing with energy.


  • While nearly half of students are highly satisfied with their lives, only one in four students experience vitality and feel energetic;
  • Just over one in four students is (completely) dissatisfied with their lives and does not feel any vitality (at all);
  • Age and socio-economic status play a role. Younger students and students from a low educational background and with a grant experience less vitality and feel less satisfied with their live