What support do students ask for? What about their social network and sources of support?

Did you know?

Do you feel connected to your college or university and maintain a good relationship with tutors/lecturers and fellow students? If so, you are half as likely to develop emotional problems. You feel better in your own skin and often perform better as well. Connectedness gives you the feeling you are not alone and protects you during hard times. The student services of colleges and universities offer a wide range of support.


of students feel honestly and fairly treated at their educational institution, both inside and outside the classroom.


of students say they know where to turn to at their university of applied sciences or university if they experience emotional or substance-related issues.

Colleges and universities are warm and motivating learning environments:

  • The support experienced from lecturers, tutors and students is 72, 77 and 86%, respectively.
  • 51% find their lecturers highly motivating and 48% give their lecturers a low score for demotivation.

The student services of colleges and universities offer a wide range of support:

  • 8% of students sought advice or help for emotional problems
  • 21% of students have sought advice or help for study problems such as study choice and study skills. .

indicate that they have 3-4 people close to them


of students indicate that they often or very often feel lonely.


  • Students feel very well supported by their lecturers, tutors and fellow students, both in class and elsewhere;
  • Students seek help both inside and outside their educational institution for their emotional and study problems; 62% of students know where to go within their educational institution for support;
  • Students have an average network of 3 to 4 people in their environment whom they can fall back on to share both good and bad experiences.
  • A quarter of the students often or very often feel lonely.