Boosting motivation and competence

Host Aysema talks to student Abdellah and Maarten Vansteenkiste, professor of developmental and motivational psychology at Ghent University. The topic of this episode is strenghtening students' motivation and competence.

Keeping afloat

In this episode, our host Carola zooms in on the topic of mental health. She is joined by professor dr. Bruffaerts and student Miguel. Professor Ronny Bruffaerts (KU Leuven) is well-known for his research on mental health issues at the general student and population level.

Feared and conquered

Anxiety, stress and depression. Sooner or later, many students will have to deal with these issues to some extent. In this episode, our host addresses this topic together with her guests, Birthe and professor Patrick Luyten (KU Leuven & University College London), who is specialized in mood disorders.

Under your skin

Host Carola talks to Shana and professor Imke Baetens (VUB) about self-injurious behavior and emotional problems. Professor Baetens is a specialist in the field and specifically focuses on children and adolescents.

The start and not the end

Dr. Gwendolyn Portzky (UGent) is a clinical psychologist and cognitive behavioral therapist and is specialized in burnout and suicide prevention. Together with her and student Barbora, our host Carola addresses the topic of suicidal thoughts in this episode.

Crossing the line

Alcohol and substance abuse is het central topic of this episode. Host Carola talks to student Louise and professor Ronny Bruffaerts (KU Leuven), expert in the field of mental health issues.

Weighed and decided

Dr. Laurence Claes is a professor (KU Leuven, UAntwerpen) and expert in self-injurious behavior, eating disorders and personality disorders. In this episode, our host Carola is joined by the professor and student Julie to talk about health and eating disorders.

Standing stronger

Host Carola talks to student Mathias and Maarten Vansteenkiste, professor in developmental psychology at Ghent University. The topic of this episode is the ABC of psychology. The ABC of psychology is a framework that revolves around the three basic psychological needs for mental well-being.

Searched and found

In this episode, our host Carola discusses gender and sexuality. She does so in the company of student Maja and dr. Alexis Dewaele (UGent) who is an expert researcher on sexual health, minorities and coping.

Technology as mental support

In his work as a clinical psychologist and head of the Expertise Unit Psychology, Technology & Society (PsyTS, Thomas More) Dr. Tom Van Daele mainly focuses on the added value of technology in the field of mental healthcare. In this episode, host Carola talks to him about the power of online help and e-health.


Piet Bracke is a professor (UGent) and a specialist in mental health research from a sociological perspective. Host Carola talks to him and student Ayseme about pioneer students.

Studying without limits

Host Carola talks to student Jef and Valérie Van Hees (Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education) about studying with a disability. SIHO serves both policy makers and higher education institutions in the implementation of inclusion measures.

Your place in the world

Professor Piet Bracke (UGent) is a specialist in mental health research from a sociological perspective. Host Carola discusses migration with him and with student Aysema.

Standing on your own two feet

Standing on your own two feet. Many students have to deal with it. Host Carola talks about it with student Aysema and with Yasmina Beldjoudi (Arteveldehogeschool), specialist in student policies.

Studying with care

Host Carola talks to student Kris and professor Piet Bracke (UGent) about informal care. Professor Bracke is a specialist in this field from a sociological perspective.